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Dates | March 1, 2020, May 30, 2020, July 25, 2020, October 4, 2020, December 5, 2020 |
$ 1,299.00
Taught online by Mrs. Ortega, this course comes with a study guide and 3 months access.
Official Medical Auditing Knowledge is required by AAPC® in order to pass the certification test.
This “to the point” and “no fluff” guide contains a unique comprehension of the
Commercial and Federal Guidelines you will need to enter the industry as a
Medical Coding Auditor.
Here’s what you will learn: | |
What does the auditor do?
The Medical Coding Auditor employed at the Physician’s office or Health Plan level understands the organizational strategy and operational objectives of the entity. Following established guidelines and procedures, a medical coding auditor will check medical coding and billing information for efficiency, accuracy and compliance prior to submitting claims in order to prevent audit findings from external audits. The Professional Medical Coding Auditor provides the physicians with specific education based on their quality monitoring of claim denials and healthcare trends.
The Medical Coding Auditor employed at the Federal Government Entity understands the organizational strategy and operational objectives of the medical practice, facility and health plan. The Medical Coding Auditor will identify and fix incorrect and improper payments on claims that have already been submitted in a variety of healthcare settings. These auditors look for both overpayments and underpayments made to providers. They request medical records from providers in order to review claims known to be at a risk for containing errors. These high demand professionals identify payments for medically unnecessary services, incorrectly coded services, services performed that were medically unnecessary, claims not supported by documentation, duplicate claims, claims filed primary to Medicare when Medicare was secondary, and in the process also uncover quite a bit of fraud. These upper-level auditors are paid a percentage of what they recover.
You’ll get a tenfold Return of Investment on this Certification!
Dates | March 1, 2020, May 30, 2020, July 25, 2020, October 4, 2020, December 5, 2020 |