It seems like opportunities for humor have been few and far between lately, but at Medical Coding Academy, we try to be the bright spot in your day. One way we’ve been doing that is on our YouTube channel, where we’ve been releasing a series of parody videos that take a playful look at different situations where a medical coding career makes sense.
Some are exaggerated and others are silly, but most of them are relatable. We’ll use this blog post as a way to introduce you to this series of videos and get you excited about future ones we have in store. Enjoy!
Parody #1: Pepe the Sales Guy
Pepe was just your average sales guy, depending on cold calls and unwanted interruptions to make a few bucks. He was ready for a career change, which is why he switched to medical coding. Are you ready for a career change as well?
Parody #2: Estefano the Chef
Estefano was stuck in an industry where he, well, wasn’t very successful. He turned to medical coding instead and got a job he was good at (and one that he could work from home).
Parody #3: Determined Stefano
Stefano was determined… to sit on the couch! He switched that determination to getting a new skillset and is now a very successful medical coder. No more TV! If you’re sick of sitting around, medical coding might be the best option for you.
These videos may be funny, but medical coding is a serious business. To learn more about our three-day course, click here.